For as long as I can remember, Simmons has always been synonymous with top quality mattresses. We, however, have not seen many changes in their offerings available in South Africa for some years now. It seems they have been using this period to do some R&D because they recently launched a new range of Simmons beds which are good enough to rival any top spec mattresses found globally.
What has changed?
The look:
At first glance, you immediately notice the difference in the look! The beds look fresher, cleaner and more in-line with the Simmons offerings abroad.
Reinforced edges with Aircool Technology
What we also love about the new ranges are that they all have reinforced corners which they call โAirCool BeautyEdge Foam.โ This finishing ensures that mattresses are more stable right to their edge and the new Aircool technology, enhances the airflow through your mattress!
All mattresses in the new ranges also have layers of Aircool comfort foam and natural wool fibres, which keeps the mattress at your ideal sleep temperature by dissipating heat away from your sleeping surface. This could mean the end to over-heating in your sleep!
4 Simmons New Ranges in a Nutshell
We are happy to announce the 4 new Simmons mattress ranges now available at the Sleep Gallery. These new babies have similar features to their predecessor but just give so much more bang for your buck!
The Classic Range:
All the features of a classic Simmons mattress with new Aircool foams and natural wool fibres.
Classic Firm
The Classic Simmons Pocket spring mattress with a gentle firm feel.
More about the Simmons Classic Firm mattress
Classic Plush
Classic Simmons Pocket spring with softer / plush feel.
More about the Simmons Classic Plush mattress
Recharge Ultra Range:
Next Generation stronger Pocket Coil with Aircool design and comfort.
Recharge Ultra Plush:
New generation pocket coil with softer plush feel.
More about the Simmons Recharge Ultra Plush mattress
Recharge Ultra Firm
New Generation Pocket Coil, Firm feel, heavy duty.
More about the Simmons Recharge Ultra Firm mattress
Recharge Ultra Luxury
New generation Pocket Coil with Luxurious Pillowtop.
More about the Simmons Recharge Ultra Luxury mattress
World Class Range:
Next generation Pocket springs with Luxurious Memory Foam Pillowtops.
World Class Firm
Luxurious Firm feel, Top spec pocket spring with memory foams, Pure foams, Aircool foams and Wool fibres.
More about the Simmons World Class Firm mattress
World Class Plush
Luxurious Soft feel , Top spec pocket spring with memory foams, Pure foams, Aircool foams and Wool fibres.
More about the Simmons World Class Plush mattress
Hybrid Crescendo Plush
The top of the range signiture mattress by Simmons. Legendary Pocket Spring with thick layer of luxurious Memory foam for pressure relief and temperature control.
More about the Simmons Hybrid Crescendo mattress
Contact Us
To try these amazing new mattresses from Simmons pop by the store, contact us here or give us a call on 021 671 3220!